Tuesday, January 23, 2007

As Promised.....and a weather forecast

As promised, more yarn pics today! I placed an order for Fleece Artist merino sock yarn last week with More Than Yarn. I highly recommend their services! My order arrived super quick.

Hercules (for me!)

Indian Summer (for my Knitty sock pal)

and Mermaid, also for me!

And a little weather........we had snow! I know that this doesn't look like a big deal, considering I live in Massachusetts and grew up in New England, but this winter has been devoid of snow, so even a little is cause for a little happy dance. Of course, it's supposed to warm up and be sunny all afternoon, so no doubt the snow will be gone by later today.
I also have to send out a quick rave for Zero Markers. I saw these first on Knitspot and promptly went and bought a set for me and a good friend. They came yesterday in the mail and are gorgeous! Treat yourself! (sorry for not having a picture, but my camera is acting funky!)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Cheer up yarn!


Last week was terribly long.....what with ear infections, serious lack of sleep, and new baby. This weekend I spent time dying up some yarns....it was very relaxing. In the midst of my Dora-the-Explorer induced haze, the creative outlet of knitting and dying my own yarns gives me a release and keeps me in touch with my adult self. The yarns I dyed this weekend will be available to purchase this Thursday at Lilypad Landing at 9pm EST. If you've never checked it out, you really should, it's a great bunch of WAHMs with an array of products. I'll also be stocking my Etsy shop next week sometime, so be on the lookout! Anyway....(sorry for the not so great pictures......it was kinda dark and cloudy here.)

"Rainforest" on 100% Superwash Merino sock yarn
"Flight of the Bumblebee" on 100% Superwash sock yarn

"Little Man" on Peace Fleece

On other yarn fronts, I received some fun packages this week that I had taken pictures of yet. A beautiful package from Fearless Fibers, containing 2 skeins of sock yarn (can you tell I'm on a sock kick?)


and Midnight Passion.

Ahhh...yarn does cheer me up! Be on the lookout for more yarn tomorrow, I got some other packages, but I'll post about them tomorrow!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Ear Infections are evil

Sorry, no knitting pictures today. Two nights ago we were up 4 or 5 times with the big one. She just was so uncomfortable and unhappy. She ended up in bed with us for a while...picture it....daddy, mommy, big and little ones in our queen sized bed. It was "cozy", for lack of a better word. Luckily, daddy stayed home from work yesterday to help out. We've had a rough transition to two kids, what with everyone being sick and such. Anyway, last night was better, she slept all night and didn't wake me until almost 9 this morning. Yeah!!!!

Now for the bad news, when she woke up this morning I noticed that she had weird crustiness around her ear and looked.......looked like a ruptured ear infection. Sure enough, after a visit to the ped, it was and she is on the mend with some meds. I feel so bad for her, she must have been hurting, but showed no signs of ear infection.

Mama's beat after a long week and I hope to do some thereputic knitting and dying this weekend.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Toddlers, babies and socks

The last few days around here have been very.....long. The big one is sick, she has some hellish cold bordering on the plague. As per her drama queen status, she is whiny, cranky and generally not a lot of fun to be around. The little one is going through a growth spurt and wants to nurse what seems like every 10 minutes. This makes for very long, very difficult days.

Despite all this, I managed to finish my mother's socks. Having a baby really bit into my holiday knitting and my mom's socks were a casualty. Here's a quick peek....though forgive the awful photography.....I actually used the camera on my laptop to take it!