Tuesday, January 23, 2007

As Promised.....and a weather forecast

As promised, more yarn pics today! I placed an order for Fleece Artist merino sock yarn last week with More Than Yarn. I highly recommend their services! My order arrived super quick.

Hercules (for me!)

Indian Summer (for my Knitty sock pal)

and Mermaid, also for me!

And a little weather........we had snow! I know that this doesn't look like a big deal, considering I live in Massachusetts and grew up in New England, but this winter has been devoid of snow, so even a little is cause for a little happy dance. Of course, it's supposed to warm up and be sunny all afternoon, so no doubt the snow will be gone by later today.
I also have to send out a quick rave for Zero Markers. I saw these first on Knitspot and promptly went and bought a set for me and a good friend. They came yesterday in the mail and are gorgeous! Treat yourself! (sorry for not having a picture, but my camera is acting funky!)

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